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   Throughout Meaning of Megan (Megan Porter) all opinions and content on this blog are my own, and have been written for entertainment, enjoyment, and informative purposes. I understand that everybody has an opinion, as do I, which is why I do not wish to offend or insult anybody with my content - Only offering a space where I am able to share my personal thoughts on beauty, style and lifestyle choices. Within this space I also wish to be reliable and trustworthy as a source of information, and so will never be incentivised by brands or products, and will continue to write with integrity to myself and my brand. As someone who is a fellow reader of other blogs, and simply a fan of the community that has been built, I respect and trust the opinions of others; which is a principal that I consider when creating content for my own readers.


In regards to authoring, all posts are written by myself with no influences or guest writers. The majority of images on this blog are my own, and so I ask that you don't use any of them for professional or personal purposes. If you do wish to use any of my imagery then please contact me ( and credit me for the photography with a link to my blog. As for external imagery and information sources, I will credit the appropriate source, as I do not wish to claim anything that isn't my own.

Meaning of Megan does not share personal information with third parties, nor do I store any information about your visit to this blog, other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through analytics. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on 17th July 2020. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here:

© 2020 Meaning of Megan. Proudly created with

Actor in Manchester, Blogger, Style, Beauty, Lifestyle

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