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Writer's picture: meganruthportermeganruthporter

   I made it. I'm officially 21 years of age, and to commemorate such an occasion, it's time to share some things that I wish to do or achieve over the next year. Now when I was younger, 21 or anyone in their early twenties seemed so much older to me than it does now, in fact I couldn't wait to be in my early twenties because I thought it would be the best time of my life - And I'm hoping that younger Meg was correct in that hypothesis. Of course I've been asked the whole, 'how does it feel to be 21, eh?' and in truth, since I turned 18 I haven't felt any different - Instead I now just have to remember that I am a year older when somebody asks (I'm still getting used to that). Since turning 20 I've also encountered quite a lot of people asking about my future and any plans that I've made, which took me completely by surprise, as if that as soon as you enter the new decade you're going to be this put-together-planned-all-out human. News flash: I'm not. In fact, this has been the only time of my life that once I graduate in a year's time, I don't have a definite plan - As in the past I've always been in the education system, bouncing from qualification to another. But what I do have an idea of are some personal goals to reach while I still am 21, some being much more meaningful than others, but all important in some way. 

1. Learn a new musical instrument.

2. Go to see a musical theatre show.

3. Visit a new city.

4. Visit a new country.

5. Read 3 new books.

6. Sign with an acting agent.

7. Go to an outdoor cinema.

8. Experience more acting on screen.

9. Save £500.

10. Join a dance class.

11. Post more frequently on this blog.

12. Graduate from drama school.

13. Take iron vitamins.

14. Learn a new accent.

15. Go to bed before 11pm.

16. Complete my Christmas shopping earlier.

17. Buy myself more fresh flowers.

18. Keep a house plant alive.

19. Spend more time with my family.

20. Watch a live music gig.

21. Visit the beach.

   A few of these have been on my resolution list for 2018, some have been on my bucket list, and some are simply just reminders for myself (So don't forget that iron vitamin Meg). Although it's also important to remember that I shouldn't pressure myself to necessary have these completed before my next birthday, or else the world itself will collapse. Having these ideas only gives me motivation to try new things and remind myself of what's important right now, not what's important five years from now. Of course, if you resonate with any of these goals then add them to your own list! Create 3 small goals to achieve by the end of this year, there's still time if you make it, whether it be to pass your driving test, or wish a stranger good morning - You got this.



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